Christian broadcasting links for Africa

Links to Web sites related to Christian broadcasting, including Christian radio and television stations and programmes, production studios, script writing, programming, etc. If you know of any African Christian broadcasting web sites that should be listed here but aren't, please let us know. See our contact page for details.


Main index of all pages

The home page for this site, with information about the purpose of the site, news of developments etc

Alphabetical list
Alphabetical list of web sites dealing with Christianity in Africa
All Africa

Web sites of churches and organistions that cover more than one country or region

Regional pages

Particular regions and countries

Interests and subjects
Links arranged according to particular topics and interests

Other pages

There are several other pages of links that are not listed above. Some are sub-pages from the main page in each section, and others will deal with different topics. You should find them all on the main index page or on the miscellaneous links page.

Add your page

If you maintain a web page dealing with Christianity in Africa, and would like to add it to this list of links, please go to our contact page.

  1. Highway Radio, Pinetown, South Africa
  2. Impact Radio 103 FM Stereo - Impact Radio is the only live radio station broadcasting live over the internet. E-mail to: Peter Roebert

  3. IMPACT TV - Impact TV is bringing you the best of broadcasting from around the world. Join us every Sunday from 8 am till 9 pm. DSTV, Bouquet 3, Channel 20. E-mail to: PIETER DE NECKER

  4. Lutheran Radio Centre, Moshi, Tanzania
  5. Radio Pulpit, Pretoria, South Africa

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These pages maintained by

Steve Hayes

Updated: 2 September 2000