Main index of all pages

The home page for this site, with information about the purpose of the site, news of developments etc |

Alphabetical list of web sites dealing with Christianity in Africa |

Web sites of churches and organistions that cover more than one country or region |

Particular regions and countries

Links arranged according to particular topics and interests

There are several other pages of links that are not listed above. Some are sub-pages from the main page in each section, and others will deal with different topics. You should find them all on the main index page or on the miscellaneous links page.

If you maintain a web page dealing with Christianity in Africa, and would like to add it to this list of links, please go to our contact page.
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- Anglican Diocese of Port Elizabeth
- Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa (AFM - AGS)
- BAPTIZA - South African Baptist Pages
- Catholic Archdiocese of Cape Town
- Catholic Archdiocese of Eshowe
- Church of England in Southern Africa -
Homepage of the Church of England in Southern Africa E-mail to: Dr. Angelo Grazioli
- Church of the Province of Southern Africa (Anglican)
- Hatfield Christian Church - Pretoria, South Africa
- Methodist Church of Southern Africa
- Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK)
- Orthodox Archbishopric of
Johannesburg and Pretoria -
Orthodox Christian Church of South Africa Johannesburg Archdiocese E-mail to: Archbishop Seraphim
- Orthodox Archdiocese of Zimbabwe
- Rhema Bible Church, South Africa
- Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC)
- United Congregational Church of Southern Africa
- Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference
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- Port Elizabeth Church Net
- South African Council of Churches -
The South African Council of Churches website E-mail to: Webmaster
Links to local parishes and congregations in South Africa will be found on the South African parishes page. Local churches in other countries in southern Africa with their own web pages will be listed here
- African Enterprise -
African Enterprise is a non-profit International, Christians Missions
- Bible Society of South Africa
- Christian Anti-Racism
Initiative (CARI) -
CARI is an ecumenical initiative of concerned Christians who want to address
racism (white supremacy) in South African churches and who want to dismantle
these structures E-mail to: Rev Martin
- Christian Seaman's Organisation
- Good News Ministries
International -
Good News Ministries International (GNMI) is a mission and evangelistic
organisation based in Pretoria, South Africa. It has regular evangelistic
crusades into various third-world countries and has recently acquired a Mission
centre in Maputo, Mozambique. It is headed by Pastor Johann Sch�nken and his
wife, Cathy. An ideal short-term missions opportunity for any Christian with a
burden for the poor. E-mail to: Konrad
- Cops 4 Christ - A Christian support organisation for police.
- Inserv
Information on short-term mission opportunities available (especially) to people
from Southern Africa. E-mail to: Jacques
- KwaMashu Christian Care Society
Christian care for poor and disabled old people in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa -
funded by public donations. E-mail to: Trevor
- March for Jesus
South Africa -
Site for South African March for Jesus details. Also has links to other March
for Jesus sites around the world, and report backs on local and international
statistics for the last Global March for Jesus. E-mail to: Darrell de Grooth
- NUPSA Prayer ministry
- Port Elizabeth Church Net -
PE Church Net aims to foster unity among the Christian churches in Port
Elizabeth, South Africa, to provide links to local and worldwide resources, and
to use the internet to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ E-mail to: Shaun Gouws
- Southern African
Missiological Society (SAMS) -
A society for those engaged in the study of Christian mission and all aspects of
missiological research, especially in Southern Africa. Its journal Missionalia,
published 3 times a year, contains missiological abstracts from a wide range of
journals. The web page contains links to missiological articles and also to
other sites dealing with mission and missiology. E-mail to: Jansie Kilian
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More links
The following link sites and search engines may have more information on Southern African churches.
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